Can you DM if you've never played DND?

A beginner Dungeon Master playing DND

Dungeons & Dragons (DND), with its rich lore and imaginative storytelling, has become a beloved pastime for countless adventurers worldwide. Many find themselves drawn to the role of Dungeon Master (DM), the storyteller and world-builder responsible for weaving the narrative tapestry of the game.

But what if you're entirely new to DND, never having experienced it as a player? Can you take up the mantle of a DM without first donning the adventurer's cloak?

In this guide, we'll explore whether you can be the DM without having played before, and some tips for getting started as a new DM.

Is it possible to DM without ever having played DND?

Yes, you can absolutely be a Dungeon Master without having played DND before! It’s especially easy if you’re in a group of new players. In fact, being new to the game can offer a fresh and creative perspective as a DM.

Having no preconceived notions of how the game should be played allows you to approach it with a truly open mind. You won’t be burdened by the expectations or habits that experienced players might have. Also, there is lots of information out there to help you grow and become a better DM.

If your group consists of fellow newcomers, you can all embark on this journey together, learning and growing in tandem. This shared experience can mean there is less pressure on yourself because everyone is learning the game together. This can be incredibly rewarding.

So, if you're itching to be the storyteller of your DND adventures, don't let your lack of playing experience hold you back. Embrace the opportunity to dive headfirst into the world of DMing. It could be the start of an incredible adventure for both you and your players.

Can anyone be a Dungeon Master?

Absolutely! Dungeon Mastering isn’t restricted by age, gender, experience, or any other factor. It's an inclusive role open to all who are willing to step into the world of storytelling and adventure.

What truly matters is your enthusiasm, creativity, and willingness to learn. While it is possible to play D&D without a Dungeon Master, there is a lot of joy in learning the art of being a DM.

If you're excited to craft worlds, create characters, and guide your players on epic quests, you can be a Dungeon Master. It's a role that offers endless opportunities for growth and fun, so don't hesitate to give it a try!

What do I need to start as a DM?

Technically, the only things you need to run a game of D&D as a Dungeon Master are a notebook and pen, some dice, and your imagination. These are the fundamental tools that allow you to create worlds, characters, and stories.

Additionally, you might choose to use digital tools. If you decide to play online, a Virtual Tabletop (VTT) is essential for organising maps, tokens, and other game elements, making your job as a DM more manageable. So, while the basics are minimal, your toolkit can expand based on your preferences and the style of game you want to run.

What books do I need as a new DM?

When you're just starting as a Dungeon Master, you might wonder if you need to procure a library of D&D books. The positive news is that the books aren't mandatory, even if you're new to the game. However, they can be incredibly helpful.

The three main books that can help a DM include the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, and the Monster Manual. These three books provide a solid foundation for understanding the game mechanics, creating characters and worlds, and running encounters. They're like your D&D toolkit, offering guidance and rules that can make your job easier.

That said, you don't need to read a single book on D&D to be an effective DM. In fact, one of the joys of being a Dungeon Master is the ability to bend and modify rules to suit your group's style and preferences. This creative freedom is known as "homebrewing", and it allows you to tailor the game to your liking.

If you're looking to DM but haven’t played before, consider picking up the Starter Set, which contains an adventure module, basic rules, and pre-generated characters. It's an excellent way to ease into DMing without the need for a vast collection of books. Or, consider running a pre-written DND adventure.

What should I do as a DM who hasn’t played before?

Being a Dungeon Master without prior D&D experience can be a rewarding journey. Here are some valuable resources and materials to help you on your way:

  • Basic rules: the official Basic Rules for D&D are available legally online for free. They provide a simplified version of the game's mechanics, making them perfect for beginners.
  • D&D content creators: many experienced DMs share their wisdom and advice online. Content creators like Matt Colville and Ginny Di offer entertaining videos on how to be a better DM, world-building, and more.
  • Online communities: communities like r/DMAcademy serve as fantastic platforms to ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice from seasoned DMs.
  • More tips and tricks: don't forget to check out our comprehensive guide on becoming a better DM. It's packed with tips, insights, and resources to help you succeed in your role as the Dungeon Master.

Remember, every DM starts somewhere, and the best way to learn is by doing. Embrace the learning process, and with time, you'll grow into a confident and skilled DM.

If you're trying to learn the basic rules, check out our guide that explains how critical hits work in DND 5e. Crits are a combat mechanic so it's helpful to know how they work ahead of time, so you can keep your game flowing efficiently.

How should I prepare for my first game?

Preparing for your first game as a Dungeon Master can feel daunting, but it's a manageable task with the right approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get ready:

  1. Basic understanding of the rules: while you don't need to know every rule by heart, grasp the fundamental mechanics of the game. Understand how combat works, familiarise yourself with the monsters you plan to use, and be aware of your players' capabilities.
  2. Practice combat: set up a small combat encounter and play through it by yourself. This hands-on experience will help you become comfortable with the combat mechanics, including initiative, attack rolls, and damage calculations.
  3. Try a one-shot or pre-written adventure: consider running a one-shot adventure or using a pre-written module for your first game. You can incorporate homebrew elements into these adventures to add a personal touch.
  4. Determine your play style: decide whether you'll play in-person or online, establish your ideal group sizeplan how often you'll meet and how long your DND games will last. These logistics will shape the overall experience for both you and your players.
  5. Session zero: once you've interviewed D&D players and created a group, hold a session zero with your players before the campaign begins. Use this session to establish expectations, discuss house rules, and set boundaries. It's also an opportunity for players to create their characters together, ensuring party cohesion.
  6. Communicate and cater to your players: regularly communicate with your players to understand their interests and preferences. Tailor the campaign to accommodate what they enjoy, so you can create a more engaging experience for everyone.
  7. Be flexible with preparation: as the saying goes, ‘no plan survives contact with a D&D party’. Be ready to adapt your story and encounters based on your players' choices and actions.
  8. Practice makes perfect: don't be discouraged if you are rusty or feel overwhelmed at first. Remember that every experienced DM was once a beginner. With practice and patience, your skills as a DM will improve over time.

By following these steps and gradually gaining experience, you'll become a confident and capable DM, ready to lead your players on unforgettable adventures in the world of D&D.

Our guide to preparing D&D sessions explores some actionable strategies and provides a checklist for pre-session prep.

If you're interested in learning more about handling challenges at the gaming table, check out our guides on how to deal with problem players and can a DM play a player character too. These resources can help you navigate various aspects of the DM role.

And don't forget, every Dungeon Master needs a trusty set of dice. Explore our collection of exquisite D&D dice sets to enhance your gaming experience. Treat yourself to a set that matches your style and transports you to realms of imagination and adventure. Happy DMing!

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Written by Josh Spies

Josh is a passionate TTRPG player and Game Master. His love for storytelling and roleplay stems from many years of experience playing Dungeons & Dragons and running Pokemon Tabletop campaigns.

In his articles, he shares everything readers need to know about tabletop gaming, dice, and accessories.

Josh Spies